"For I know the plans for you," Declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."~Hebrews 10:24
Do you have certain Pet Peeves, or things that just irriate you? I have a couple. I hate it when people tell me they are going to do something, and then they don't. It irriates me beyond belief..I also hate it when people only call me when they need something from me. That used to happen quite a bit when I was on the radio.."Can you get me tickets to so & so?" or "Can you take me backstage?"..even when I had not talked to those people in 10 years.
So when I got to thinking about this, I thought, "Does God ever get irritated with us?".. If I were him I would.. Now My God is a loving God, and I know he always loves us, and forgives us, but how irritating would it be if the only time people actually prayed to God was when they needed something..Or when they were hurt.. or When something bad happened? I'm sure he's always happy when we talk to him, period..but you know he's gotta be like "Gee, I wish you would have told me about this earlier..or why haven't you been talking about this with me before now?" So many times we wait to go to the Lord with things that we WANT or things that we think we Need "Lord Bless me with This." or "Lord I need this" or "Lord, I know I haven't talked to you in a long time, can you please now help me with this"..etc.. Wouldn't it just be easier to keep a relationship with the Lord all the time instead of only going to him when we need something? How many times have you heard your parents say "You only call home when you need money"..lol..And yes, even when we do that, our parents still love us, just as God still loves us..But you know thats got to be how God feels sometimes when the only times we turn to him are when we want something or have a prayer request!
I think a relationship with God is like any other relationship you have. The more you put into it, the more you get out of it. The stronger it gets, the more value it has. If you only saw your spouse at Christmas and Easter would you consider that a strong relationship? No. If you only spoke to your spouse when you needed something, would you consider that a good relationship? No. If the only time you talked to your friends was when you needed something from them, would that make them feel wanted for valued? No it wouldn't. So as I continue my walk with the Lord I encourage you to not just be 'half-way' in your relationship with God. Talk to him everyday, not just when you need something. Don't just visit him on Christmas and Easter, visit him each Sunday and grow spiritually. Can you have a relationship with God without Church or Worship? I'm sure you can, but why not enhance your relationship with classes about God, friends who love God like you love God, pastors who inspire you with sermons, choirs that inspire you with music? Would'nt that make your walk with God much more fulfilling and spiritual? Well, it has for me..And I hope it does the same for you.